Oregon Trail

by brendan on 03/14/2008

Oregon Trail
When: 3/13/2008 2000 Hrs MST
Where: +35° 13′ 0.82″, -111° 35′ 39.64″

We decided to stop in Flagstaff for the night, at the Days Inn. We probably could have made it a couple more hours, but we both decided that it would be a good idea to turn in early for a change and get some good rest.

I want to also point out that Flagstaff is a really nice little city. We were driving through basically dust and flat desert in New Mexico and then Arizona, then we come over a hill with a few trees and bam – we’re in what could easily be mistaken for colorado. They even have snow! Very pretty, lots of parks within driving distance, seems like it would be a nice place to visit for a few days. Ladyfriend and I agreed that it was our favorite city of the trip so far, by far.

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