Moving to Missouri

by brendan on 12/26/2010

It’s official. We’re moving back to Missouri.

Ladyfriend got a new job (within the same company) that requires relocation, and I’m coming along for the ride. I work remotely anyway, so I can do that from most any city I would choose to live in. We’ve even had our offer accepted on a house we wanted, and at this point we’re going through the whole inspection/loan acquisition process. With luck we’ll be all moved and settled by the end of January.

I’m excited to go back, mostly because of family and friends that I’ve been away from for the last three years. But I’ve been a little surprised at how sad it’s made me to think of leaving Oregon.

Sure, I’ve had my differences with the Beaver state. I drove my Prius into town thinking I would fit right in, and quickly learned that “liberal” in the Midwest is not the same thing as “liberal” on the West Coast, putting me squarely into a political no man’s land. It also rains here. A lot. Home prices seem inflated, which is in stark contrast to the shockingly high homeless population that peppers the city’s street corners. And then there’s the football team. Just as I start to feel smug about Mizzou’s recently succesful years, I need only look outside to see countless flags, stickers, jerseys and hats to remind me of the Ducks – a team poised to take the National Championship, if not break into dynasty status.

But Oregon has offered me quite a bit during my time here.  For starters, I doubt that I’ll ever live in a place with as much natural beauty. Mountain views, the Pacific coast only an hour away, Crater Lake, countless waterfalls, and parks everywhere. Natural offerings that are only improved by the gorgeous summer weather. I also had the privilege of helping create something bigger than myself. We opened a new center for my company, taking it from construction site to a bustling office, with all of us pitching in to build, hire, train, clean, install, market and do whatever else was needed to open those front doors. To see that facility today, and know that it will be here long after I am gone, is something that will always give me great pride. It is quite easily my proudest professional achievement.

And of course, there’s the people. I met so many great people, and nothing will be harder to leave behind. I will miss working with all of them, the ridiculous water-cooler chats we had, and being the office’s all-around go to nerd.

So fare thee well, Oregon. I’ll come back and visit sometime. Go Ducks!

There are 4 comments in this article:

  1. 12/26/2010Courtney V. says:

    I notice that you didn’t mention hippies…. 🙂

  2. 12/27/2010Suzi says:

    I am sad for the move, but happy it’s back home!

    I can’t wait to have you closer again.
    Perhaps we’ll see each other?


  3. 12/27/2010Malcolm says:

    Congratulations! (On the new job, the house and the move!)

  4. 01/27/2011ERIN says:

    laughing hysterically… why? because your proudest professional accomplishment did not detail telecom at all. though i am sure you did things with phones and numbers and blah – just funny.

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